Monday, September 23, 2024

Angel and Crystal lakes 2024 09 23

 Things went smoothly once we got the number of hikers straightened out!!

What a gorgeous day to be outside. Blue sky , red, orange and yellow leaves, sun sparkles on both Angel and Crystal lakes and mild temperatures. 

Trail between Frame Crescent  and Angel Lake was good . Hikers enjoyed a brief rest stop on Angel skidoo trail access point.

 Continued down ELATV2 to Crystal Lake skidoo access point and another beautiful place for lunch. 

We had good  conversation  and laughter and even a glimpse of a bird nest atop a pine tree.  There were  some hikers belting out  old time Country tunes on the way back to the cars at Burleigh Park.

A great day for a 6.5 km hike  at a leisurely pace !!

Thanks , Sue for being our Sweep!!